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Programs are structured with learning outcomes clearly specified at the commencement of the program, a structured content including references to legislation, health effects, assessment and control strategies.


Hazard identification and risk assessment is conducted within process areas though direct hands-on experiences or through the conduct of assignments.


Content is summarised at the completion of the session and comprehension is assessed and recorded through the use of a multichoice questionnaire.


Programs may be presented on-site via LCD projector and powerpoint, or through the provision of hard copy notes and guides at remote locations.


Service areas


These programs aim to provide compliance with the training requirements of legislation.



Confined Spaces

Dangerous Goods

Hazardous Substances

Heat Stress




The programs provide the practical and technical skills to conduct workplace assessments.


Hazard Identification

Risk Assessment

Monitoring and Sampling


Other Service areas







Explanation of what asbestos is and where it has been used

Discussion on the forms of asbestos; chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite. Friable, non-friable, respirable fibres.

Explanation of asbestos related diseases; asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma.

Description of synthetic mineral fibres, their applications and health risks.

Explanation of the risks of contracting asbestos related diseases

Fibre dimensions and chemical composition

Fibre morphology

Anatomy of the lung

Mechanisms of lung defence systems

Lung dose and disease

Airborne fibre levels

Control Measures - Occupational Health and Safety (Asbestos) Regulations 2007, Exposure Standards, Air Monitoring, Personal Protection

Safe handling of asbestos bearing materials at the worksite – specific examples i.e. cement sheet.  Outline of the Company Management Plan & Control Plan

Open forum – question and answer

Competency assessment - multiple choice short questionnaire

Site Requirements

The Part 5 Asbestos Audit report should be available for review and reference during this session.

Access to on site locations containing asbestos containing materials should be available.



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Confined Spaces



Provided to generate compliance with section 3.4.24 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations this session provides:

Legislative requirements

Explanations of the significance and measurement of oxygen, explosive gases, and toxic gases

Details methods of hazards identification and risk control; identification of Confined Spaces, Access Procedures, Signposting

Personal protection – respirators, Tripod/rope/harness, ventilation / purging, Emergency response,

Outlines the company program

Responsibilities – standby person/first aid person/first aid assistant/permit officer,

Case Studies – responses of personnel / fatalities

Open forum – question and answer

Competency assessment - multiple choice short questionnaire

Site Requirements

Copies of the site Confined Space management program, assessment form and access permit should be available during this session for review by participants.

Access to site confined spaces should be available for group assessments.

Confined space monitors and rescue equipment, tripods and harness should be available for practical exercise.


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Dangerous Goods 

Hazardous Substances


Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances training is usually combined as Chemical Awareness Training.  The program fulfils the requirements of Regulation 25 of the Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations.



General chemical information – hazards, routes of exposure, toxic effects, and control measures, PPE, emergency procedures.

WorkCover requirements - legislation, codes of practice, standards and reference materials.

Dangerous Goods – regulations, classification of materials (Australian Dangerous Goods Code), hazard identification, risk assessment, control, storage, labelling of packages, placarding, manifest, emergency management plan.

Hazardous substances – regulations, classification of materials (NOHSC), labelling, MSDSs, risk assessments, exposure monitoring, health surveillance.

Company policies and procedures

Risk Control measures – PPE, ventilation, gloves, storage, labelling, placarding, etc.

Case studies involving the inspection and assessment of company facilities.

Question and answer session.

Assessment and feedback.

Site Requirements

Copies of the site MSDSs, risk assessments, manifest, and emergency services folder should be available during this session for review by participants.

Access to site area containing dangerous goods and hazardous substances should be available for group assessments.


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Heat Stress



Physiology – regulation of body temperature, control of core temperature

Definitions – heat cramps, heat stress, heat stroke

Danger Signs

First Aid

Control Methods

Measurement of Heat Stress

Case Studies


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This session details the health effects associated with the exposure to noise, the range of control measures and their application, the use, the selection and fit of hearing protective devices, the nature and purpose of audiometric testing and examinations, legislation and the assessment of noise.

Case studies are incorporated into the package to provide relevance to the workplace.

Site Requirements

Access to the noise survey report

Access to plant area

Provision of samples of hearing protection used at site


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Workplace Assessment - Practical skills and competencies



These programs provide instruction through the provision of written notes and the successful completion of practical work sessions.

Skill requirements are identified by the client. Copies of course notes are sent to the participants a month prior to the practical work sessions.  

The practical work session is preceded by a review of the content of the notes on-site.

Principles of the assessment, operation and maintenance of equipment, recording and report of results are provided during the practical work sessions.

Successful completion of the training program is provided by passing a theoretical and practical assessment. On-going technical assistance can be included in the training program.


Exposure monitoring of airborne contaminants

Identification of asbestos containing materials

Noise monitoring

Site Requirements

Access to the process areas


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Other Service areas




Occupational Hygiene




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